1. Hi I'm Harrison, I'm a junior majoring in econ and psych with a minor in design
  2. I'm taking this class for my design minor and to get some fluency in basic coding which I have no experience in
  3. I have no experience in html or css
  4. I want to leave this class with a basic understanding of how html and css work in order to be able to better communicate between designers and engineers
  5. I expect there to be a greater focus on functionality and usability than I am used to
  6. Gmail exemplifies effective design, as it has both functionality and visual appeal, and is deeply customizable to match the users' preferences
  7. I think reddit does an effective job of communication, as it contains tons of information and interactions and does it all in a way that is easy to navigate and makes logical sense
  8. Youtube works well because it fulfills its' purpose in a way that gives the user exactly what they are looking for, but does so in a way to reduce other distractions